Κλινικές Μελέτες

Τα συστήματα καθαρισμού και απολύμανσης του αέρα της AEROBIOTIX Inc πιστοποιούν την αποτελεσματικότητά τους βασισμένα σ’ ένα εκτεταμένο πλήθος κλινικών ερευνών και δημοσιεύσεων στα πιο έγκυρα ιατρικά περιοδικά από το 2013 μέχρι σήμερα. Παρακάτω αναφέρουμε τις κυριότερες από αυτές.

Για περαιτέρω πληροφορίες πάνω σε συγκεκριμένη μελέτη παρακαλούμε όπως επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας.

Summary of Peer Reviewed Studies

58% reduction in aerosol burden and 51% reduction in surface contamination. Bischoff, W., MD, PhD, Russell, G., MS. Correlation of the air-surface nexus of bacterial burden during routine patient care.
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology (2020). doi: 10.1017/ice.2020.436

Reduction of PJI from 1.9% to 0% as a direct result of the use of Illuvia HUAIRS. Cook, T., DO, Piatt, C., DO, Barnes, S., BSN, and Edmiston, Jr., C. E., PhD. The Impact of Supplemental Intraoperative Air Decontamination on the Outcome of Total Joint Arthroplasty: A Pilot Analysis.
The Journal of Arthroplasty (2018).

Single-pass C-UVC inactivation of 99.97% of bacteria, 99.91% of spores, and 100% of viruses. Barnes, S., RN, CIC, FAPIC, and Rybalko, V., MS, PhD. Crystalline UV-C Inactivation of Airborne Microorganisms: Clinical and Laboratory Analysis of a Novel Germicidal Air Recirculation Technology.
The Healthcare Environment Institute (2017).

67% reduction of airborne bacterial content in active OR’s (CFU/m3). Kirschman, D., MD, Eachempati, S.R., MD, FACS, FCCM, Aerobiotix, Inc. Airborne bacteria in the operating room can be reduced by HEPA/Ultraviolet air recirculation system (HUAIRS).
Surgical Infection Society (2017).

57% reduction of airborne bacterial burden in arthroplasty procedures. Walsh, W., PhD. Reduction of airborne bacterial levels in operating theatre using supplemental ultraclean air system.
The Healthcare Environment Institute (2017).

>50% reduction of bacterial colony forming units (CFU/m3). Walsh, W., PhD. The effect of a novel air decontamination recirculation system on viable airborne particulates.
The European Bone and Joint Infection Society (2017).

>40% decrease in bacterial load under routine care in an emergency department. Bischoff, W., MD PhD, FSHEA, Russell, G., MS, Willard, E., AAS, Stehle, J., Jr. PhD. The Impact of a novel mobile high-efficiency particulate air-ultraviolet air recirculation system on the Bacterial Air Burden during Routine Care.
American Journal of Infection Control (2019).

84% reduction in 5 μm viable particles (VPC/m3). Barnes, S., RN, CIC, FAPIC, and Rybalko, V., MS, PhD. Crystalline UV-C Inactivation of Airborne Microorganisms: Clinical and Laboratory Analysis of a Novel Germicidal Air Recirculation Technology. The Healthcare Environment Institute (2017).

76% reduction in critical OR air contamination. Messina, G., et. al. A mobile device to reduce airborne particulate and prevent surgical site infections.
European Journal of Public Health Supplement (2019).

58-81% reduction of total and viable particles by C-UVC units. Curtis, G.L., MD, Faour, M., MD, Jawad, Michael, BS, Klika, MS, Barsoum, W.K., MD, Higuera, C.A., MD. Reduction of Particles in the Operating Room Using Ultraviolet Air Disinfection and Recirculation Units.
The Journal of Arthroplasty (2017).

53.4% reduction in CFU count overall. Parvizi, J., MS, MD, FRCS, Barnes, S., RN, CIC, Shohat, N., MD, Edmiston, C., MS, PhD. Environment of care: Is it time to reassess microbial contamination of the operating room air as a risk factor for surgical site infection in total joint arthroplasty?
American Journal of Infection Control (2017).

>50% reduction in 0.3-10 μm surgical smoke particles from tissue electrocauterization. Walsh, W.R., Oliver, R., MD, Davies, G., MD, Bradford, N. HEPA/UV-C Air recirculation technology for surgical smoke evacuation: A Laboratory Based Study. The Australian Infection Control Association.
ACIPC (2017).

Significant reduction in total and viable particles and in CFUs during TJA surgeries. Anis, H. MD, Curtis, G. MD, Faour, M. MD, Samuel, L. MD, Baroum, W.K. MD, Higuera-Rueda, C.A. MD. Ultra- violet In-room Air Disinfection and Recirculation Units Reduce Airborne Bioburden during Lower Limb Total Joint Arthroplasty.
The Musculoskeletal Infection Society (2018).

Surgical smoke, skin scales and respiratory aerosols in airborne particles puts patient and sta_ at risk. Barnes, S., BSN, RN, CIC FAPIC, et al. OR Air Quality: Is it Time to Consider Adjunctive Air Cleaning Technology?
AORN Journal (2018).

White Paper Highlights

100% MS2 Virus Inactivation Efficiency. Elimination of Aerosolized Virus in Single-Pass Testing using Aerobiotix Ultraviolet Air Handling System.

49.5% to 56% reduction in air particles in SPD. Reduced air contamination rates in active surgical sterile processing department using HEPA-Ultraviolet Air Recirculation System.

Case Studies

78% reduction of bioaerosol count in delivery rooms. Case study performed at an acute hospital in Florida, USA in four delivery rooms over a continuous 3-week period, 24 hours per day in the Fall of 2019. The introduction of Illuvia system and its monitoring was the only modification of standard procedure.

49% to 77% reduction of all airborne particle sizes. Case Study: Assessment of Air Contamination in Active Operating Room (2014).

Third Party Testing

Aerobiotix technology reduced SARS-CoV-2 below detectable levels with concentrated bioaerosols.
Battelle Biomedical Research Center, West Jefferson, OH, August 2020.

Aerobiotix air cleaner inactivates 100% viruses, 99.97% bacteria and 99.91% spores.
RTI, Research Triangle Park, NC, April 2013.

Reduction of airborne tuberculosis (MTB) was 99.9%. The Illuvia air decontamination device was tested against airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB H37Ra).
National Institute for Occupational Health,
Immunology & Microbiology Section, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2018.